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If a person becomes a doctor in the palm Hstrekha- yoga

The study of astrology palmistry is one of several disciplines. The lines of the hands of any individual nature may be known. The person's past, present and future information can be found. Palmistry is known with respect to careers. Here palm certain sum of individual doctors or physician will tell you whether or not ...

1. The person's hands are high mountain Tue and Wed, fingers long, the round, thin or flat, as well as all the fingers of the second part appears to be full and Mercury three or four vertical lines on the mountain which, strong palm, sun line and the head line is too deep, then the person becomes a doctor or a doctor.

2. The person's hands and fat and high in the lunar mountain sun line clear, pulse specialist person is so good.

3. The person's hand, every line in the sun, the Mercury mountain high and three vertical lines on it are small, the fingers are long, fingers filled the first part, the heart line, the brain Reekha also be provided, Chandra and Venus are similar mountain is expert in the person of a particular disease.

4. The person who filled the central part of the hand, fingers forward portion of the fat and sun line becomes too great, then the individual veterinarian.

5. The woman's hand round, thin, flattened and strong arm, as well as vertical lines on the mountain are Mercury, Venus moon mountain becomes too great, so she is a nurse.

6. Mercury in the hands of the person on the mountain are small vertical lines, and the two vertical lines Tue mountain is best if the person is knowledgeable of chemistry.


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