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Three-way contest for Presidency, NC’s Gurung says parties likely to elevate him

October 27 . Three candidates are contesting for the post of President.
CPN-UML is fielding Bidhya Bhandari, Congress is fielding KB Gurung and Nepal Workers’ and Peasants’ Party is fielding Narayan Maharjan for the top post. Lawmakers will choose the President through secret voting slated for Wednesday.
Of the three candidates, UML’s Bhandari is likely to get elected. UCPN-Maoist Chair Prachanda proposed Bhandari’s candidature and RPP-Nepal leader and Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Thapa seconded it.
Bhandari said her candidature is for the sake of national unity. NWPP is fielding its candidate for the top post, though it is represented in a high-level political mechanism formed to guide the government. NWPP lawmaker Prem Suwal proposed his candidature and Dilli Prasad Kafle seconded it. Maharjan is not a member of parliament. As per the new constitution, non-MPs can contest the presidential race, provided the proposer and supporter are MPs.
NC General Secretary Prakash Man Singh had proposed senior leader Gurung’s candidature, while  another General Secretary had seconded it. Talking to reporters after registering candidature, Gurung said parties may ultimately agree on his name for the top post.


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