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Solu Pikey Trek 2014

Pikey Hill (4,065 m) is one of the tallest hills of Solu. From Pikey you can see most of the central and eastern Himalayan peaks Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest), Makalu, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna, Gauri Shanker, Lhotse, Numbur, Khatang, Karyalung, Shishapangma, Mera Peak, Thamserku, Lhotseshar, Nuptse and a little of Ama Dablam. The name Pikey is derived from the name of a Sherpa clan deity. During the month of July the locals hold celebrations to worship their clan god, the eastern Chyabo Pikey, as Pikey Hlapchen Karbu.

The peak offers breathtaking sunrise and sunset views during good weather. The trail passes through some of the most beautiful settlements of the region. A trail through Jiri-Chaulakharka-Ngaur- leads to the Pikey Danda area. The trail starts at Phaplu and passes through Kerung, Pattale, Jhapre, Pikey peak, Lamajura, Junbesi and ends at Salleri.

 After reaching Pikey we also have the option of taking the Dudhkunda Cultural Trail via Taksindu. The trail passes through Junbesi, Phaplu, Taksindu, Beni, Dudhkunda, Taksindu and back to Salleri. This trek goes through beautiful settlements and landscapes. One of the most beautiful Sherpa villages, Junbesi, is on the way from Pikey to Dudhkunda. One can also visit the famous Thuptenchholing monastery on the way.

The trek can be done May to July and October to early December, though in July it may be best as you'll have a chance to partake in festivities in connection with the worship of Chyabo Pikey. There are two trekking highlights to this trek: summiting Pikey Peak (4070m) and later ascending to Dhud Kund (5400m).

Pikey Hill (4,065 m) is one of the tallest hills of Solu. From Pikey you can see most of the central and eastern Himalayan peaks Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest), Makalu, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna, Gauri Shanker, Lhotse, Numbur, Khatang, Karyalung, Shishapangma, Mera Peak, Thamserku, Lhotseshar, Nuptse and a little of Ama Dablam. The name Pikey is derived from the name of a Sherpa clan deity. During the month of July the locals hold celebrations to worship their clan god, the eastern Chyabo Pikey, as Pikey Hlapchen Karbu.

The peak offers breathtaking sunrise and sunset views during good weather. The trail passes through some of the most beautiful settlements of the region. A trail through Jiri-Chaulakharka-Ngaur- leads to the Pikey Danda area. The trail starts at Phaplu and passes through Kerung, Pattale, Jhapre, Pikey peak, Lamajura, Junbesi and ends at Salleri.

 After reaching Pikey we also have the option of taking the Dudhkunda Cultural Trail via Taksindu. The trail passes through Junbesi, Phaplu, Taksindu, Beni, Dudhkunda, Taksindu and back to Salleri. This trek goes through beautiful settlements and landscapes. One of the most beautiful Sherpa villages, Junbesi, is on the way from Pikey to Dudhkunda. One can also visit the famous Thuptenchholing monastery on the way.

The trek can be done May to July and October to early December, though in July it may be best as you'll have a chance to partake in festivities in connection with the worship of Chyabo Pikey. There are two trekking highlights to this trek: summiting Pikey Peak (4070m) and later ascending to Dhud Kund (5400m).


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