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Strides Gois. A rider of the sky facing the sea

Saturday, the 28th edition of 4 km against the sea, host of the 30 selected, an unexpected participant, almost fell from the sky, the Nepalese Sherpa Phudorjee Lama.
Life is full of surprises. Phudorjee Lama Sherpa, this discreet and smiling Nepalese athlete, can attest. Born there 31 years full Himalayas "in the Everest region", he did not expect one day to run against the sea There are still a few weeks he did not know the existence of island of Noirmoutier, or du Gois, much less Strides. "My French friends told me about in June and I found the idea really amazing. A real challenge to run on a road covered by the waves, "he confided earlier in the week." It's crazy for me, it'll be a unique experience. "Sparkling and still marked by his discovery of Gois Tuesday eyes, he confessed" to see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time "of his life." I saw the sea twice before, Greece, in 2009, the Olympus marathon, Belgium, in September. "Phudorjee Lama Sherpa, nicknamed The Flying Sherpa (Sherpa steering wheel), more often deal with snow and clouds to the sea Living roof of the world, indeed it passes most of his time between 3000 and 4 400m above sea level and is engaged in the ultra-long-distance running, such as the 850 km Himal Race in 2010, he won between Tibet and Népal.S it is in Europe this Summer is for the tests of the ISF (International federation skyrunning) and avoid the monsoon begins at him. Last weekend, he was aligned with the elites in the world championship skyrunning in Chamonix. "I did the 80 km of Mont-Blanc. But I had to leave after 40 km. A photographer has surprised me with his flash. I lost my balance and I hurt my knee. I preferred to stop. "

"I watched the Youtube videos, it's like fun"

Only at the beginning of its summer schedule, and head back in, it takes the incident with hindsight and humor. "I remember he said in a burst of laughter, in 2008, I ran a 10K in Kathmandu I was first. Arriving at 100 m from the line, everyone wanted to shake my hand. I approached, I did not see a hole in the road and I twisted my ankle. I finished 2nd. "And to joke:" Now I baisserai eyes and I watch the ground all the time not to let myself be surprised by people. "

Good for Strides. "We need to be careful on the pavement. It is slippery and there also has small holes. My friend Bruno Poirier (race organizer very high mountain in Nepal Ed) advised me to always run in the middle of the road. As it is not flat, it should stay on the curved part. "

Aware of the difficulty that the motion of the waves will bring, Phu Strides takes an extreme and fun race at a time. "I've watched the videos on Youtube, it's very funny air. I hope I can finish the 4 km in 17 or 18 minutes. But with water, it may be too difficult for a mountain trail high altitude. "And at worst, if he can not fly over the waves, he eventually" swimming, although I find the cold ocean. " A peak for the Nepalese who learned to swim in the world's highest river!


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